Friday, October 17, 2014

Feel My Love

There are very few times I am ahead of the curve when it comes to music. Alan definitely had the hipster "before it was cool" thing going on. When I did catch something early on, it was from nerdy sources like NPR or Youtube videos of British TV.

There was the whole Gnarls Barkley thing, which hit the UK first:

And there was Adele, whom nobody had heard of in the US yet when I started listening. By the summer, she was THE artist. One of her early UK hits was a Dylan cover, Make You Feel My Love.

There are several other versions of this song, but Alan found one of Dylan singing it himself.

We listened to this in the car on the way to (or was it from?) a special dinner at the Edgewater in Madison. The highlights of the evening included the waitstaff making a flaming Irish coffee for dessert at table side. Personally, I don't like the Dylan version. His voice is gravelly and low with age, but still has his signature whine.

Listening back on these now, I realize I can't listen to breakup songs the same any more. Sure, my heart has been broken before, but never like this. The desperation to have things back the way they were, the longing to be with someone who chose not to stay with you, it all has a totally different gravity now. Did Alan know how many hearts he would break by leaving us?

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