Monday, December 8, 2014

Because I Can't Forget

One person whose music we both appreciated was Jack White. Alan was far more into him than I am. I always thought he looked like Michael Jackson had succeeded in becoming totally white -- hence the name.

I wish I could post all his later stuff, and the things he produced, but I was never as into those things as Alan was. It makes sense that Alan would like Jack White. He is well-rounded, eclectic, eccentric, plays guitar and drums as well as a smattering of other instruments, and he appreciates Bob Dylan and old country music.

He was Alan's kind of musician -- not that he just had one kind of musician.

Alan's tastes helped broaden my horizons. Even though he was the little brother, he taught me so much about the world. I tried my best to try to teach him how it worked, how to exist and thrive in it. He showed me what was there under the surface. I will always miss having that influence. I will always miss the car rides and the music, sometimes forced upon me, but with such enthusiasm that it seemed worth it to see what it was all about.

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